Wednesday 21 May 2014

Snow White in Dubai!

Hello there readers!

I know I should really keep more up to date with my blog, but it's been a bit crazy recently. Mainly because I have only just returned from the wonderful land of DUBAI! And oh my goodness, did I have a blast.

So here's a little recap of my little adventure to the UAE!

The purpose of my trip to Dubai was to play the iconic role of Snow White in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at the Centrepoint Theatre, DUCTAC. And let me tell you, it was the best thing I’ve ever done.

Saturday 17 May 2014


Hello readers! I know, I know, who even is this?!

Apologies to any of you who follow this blog, as I know I've been on a bit of a hiatus these past...5 months. 


Basically, life has been EXTREMELY busy these past few months, I've been out of the country twice (where wifi was an issue), I've been working like mad and am lacking in a good laptop! My own laptop which I got for Christmas in 2008, I've had since I was 13, one that is like a massive PC rather than a nice sleek laptop that I can carry anywhere, has pretty much gone...cap-put. That being said, the only other working laptop in my household is my father's. And even his isn't much better. Basically, the blogger website doesn't work on any computer in my house! So, I've resorted to downloading the blogger app...which obviously hasn't been updated since dinosaurs walked the earth.

HOWEVER, this year, I shall be purchasing a new laptop! (Hopefully a lovely MacBookPro!) But for now, I'm trying so hard to update the blog as much as possible! It's just proving to be a bit difficult!

If anything, it's frustrating. I've written a couple of blog posts about my trips to Dubai and Egypt this year, I JUST CAN'T UPLOAD THEM! Grr! To anyone reading, my blog will be improved and will be worth reading! I promise!!

I hope you guys will come back and read new posts as soon as they're uploaded! And thanks for reading this little update! Means the world!

Love to you all!
Fawce xoxo