Thursday, 21 May 2015

Review: Miss Sporty Lash Millionaire All in 1 Mascara

Hello all, hope you're well!

Today, I thought I would do another quick review about a makeup product this week, as I believe this product is new to the drugstore, and its a product that I am currently LOVING!

It's the Miss Sporty Lash Millionaire All in 1 (False Lash Effect) Mascara!

Casually strolling through Boots, picking up some essentials, I noticed that there was an offer going on over at Miss Sporty. Now, rewind back to 2009, when a 14 year old Georgia was just getting into make up, and had barely any money to splurge on expensive shizz. Miss Sporty was, without a doubt, the only mascara that I would wear for about 5 years, as not only was it cheap, but the mascaras were actually pretty amazing! Every single one I tried suited my lashes to a T, and always made them look long and voluminous! And back in the day, Miss Sporty was known to be "really crap" according to girls everywhere. I definitely do not share the same opinion, especially with their eye products.

When I started to earn my own money,  I began to delve into more expensive mascaras, such as L'Oreal Paris and Maybelline New York to try something new. So much so, that I forgot my love for Miss Sporty for about 2 years. As one of my favourite mascara's, the L'Oreal Paris Miss Manga mascara, was running out, I was in desperate need of something new! And has work has been a bit slow, I didn't really have the money to purchase a new Miss Manga, as well as all of the other essentials I needed from Boots. 

So, I went and had a look at the Miss Sporty section to see what was on offer, and I noticed this new mascara that I had never seen before. 

What really intrigued me about this new mascara was the wand formation, I just thought it looked so weird, but it definitely got my attention. And as I used to swear by Miss Sporty throughout secondary school, I figured it would do no harm in trying it out. Plus, the price label was definitely up my street! (At the time, the price of the mascara was £2.49!)

Guys, I'm not going to lie to's amazing!

It's incredibly lengthening, with a nice level of volume, which you can easily build. Even with two coats, my lashes looked long, nicely separated and still light as a feather! Nice for everyday too. And if my memory serves me correctly, Miss Sporty mascaras take a long time to dry out, so it will last you for a good amount of time!

Lengthening: 8/10
Volume: 7/10
False Lash Effect: 7/10
Packaging: 5/10 (it looks a little cheap...then again, it is cheap.)
Loveability: 10/10!

Creepy eye shot! Pah!

(You can purchase this mascara in Boots at £3.49!)

Thanks for reading guys! And tell me in the comments some of your makeup recommendations! <3

Fawce xoxo


  1. This mascara sounds good, the wand is definitely different, It looks like it gives a lot of volume! I haven't tried many products from Miss Sporty, but i've heard good things!

    1. I really am loving it! If you try anything from Miss Sporty, the mascaras are a must! They've never disappointed me! :) thanks for reading! <3

  2. That looks like a great mascara! :) Great review
    -Jenna <3
    Check out and follow? The Chic Cupcake :)
