Jeeze, three blog posts in one week? I'm on a roll!
Hey guys! Can you believe that May is here? 2015 is flying by! And I only realised this morning that I have never done a monthly favourites before! So, here are a few things that I have been loving throughout the month of April!
This month has been all about trying new things and finally buying products that I have wanted for ages! So lets begin with a new moisturizer that I have been obsessed with this month! It's the Nivea Daily Essentials Regenerating Night Cream.
If you read my Summer Favourites post from last year, you will know that I used to swear by the No.7 Beautiful Skin moisturisers, which I still find amazing. But when my night cream ran out when I was abroad, I needed a new one quick! And when I saw that this night cream was on offer, I took a chance. I'm so glad I did. This cream really does what it says on the tin, it's quite thick, so perfect to wear overnight, and is so hydrating without even using very much. The only thing I dislike about this is the fact the packaging is very heavy, so it's a bit of a pain when travelling. But still, its really lovely and is a great price! Really recommend this!
For some reason or another, I have been really obsessed with lipstick again. Which is strange, as I'm usually a "wear lipstick in winter/wear lipgloss in spring" kind of gal. But whilst abroad, lipstick just became a lot easier to apply than lipgloss. And currently, I am all about MAC. Now, I didn't own any MAC makeup before this month, as I'd never had the money to splurge in there. And I always said to myself: "If I am going to buy a piece of MAC makeup, it has to be something that I would wear often and would mean a lot to me".
Silly, I know.
But then, MAC released their Cinderella collection. As you guys know, I have played Cinderella before, and I am obsessed with anything Disney. And what you guys don't know is that when I was abroad, we were doing Cinderella the show again, at the same time the new film was released! So this was my chance to buy a piece of MAC makeup, with having significance to it! I took the plunge, and visited the MAC store in Dubai Mall. I wanted to buy pretty much everything, but unfortunately, the only thing they had left were the lipsticks. Well, unfortunate for everyone else BUT ME! I was over the moon! So, I picked up the MAC Cinderella lipstick in "Royal Ball".
Ok. Now I see why everyone loves MAC so much. The texture of the lipstick is smooth and luxurious, it tastes great and gives a gorgeous sheen to my lips. It's a lovely nude pink, which definitely suits paler skin tones (yay for me!) and throughout my trip away, it was my go to lipstick! I'm in love!
So, right after finally purchasing a MAC lipstick, I caught the bug for it. I was umming and ahhing about whether to buy this next lipstick all throughout this month, until after having a particularly bad day, I decided to treat myself to this lipstick. Which lipstick you may ask? It is none other than the newly released MAC Viva Glam Miley Cyrus lipstick!
OMG I AM OBSESSED! Bold, brightly coloured lipstick used to be on my lips 24/7 back when I was in Sixth Form, and right now, I've jumped right back to 17 year old me. This one is just gorgeous. The texture is lovely and hydrating, and it gives an amazing POP to my makeup when I wear it. I just feel so...glamorous! And the fact Miley Cyrus endorses it just makes it all the better. Loved her when she was 14, still love her now!
Spring to me is also the time for brightly coloured nails, and a little fun fact for you guys, my favourite colour at the moment is a pastel/periwinkle blue. And when I saw this in Superdrug this month, I knew I needed it in my life and on my nails. It's the Rimmel London Rita Ora Nail Polish in "Bestival Blue".
Look. How. PRETTY! This colour to me just says "Spring", and how cute is the name? Even though I'm not a "festival" girl, this nail polish definitely makes me want to be one. The quality is surprisingly smooth and thick, and it dried nice and quick. (Hey, that rhymes!) Recommend this greatly, and you should check out the rest of Rita Ora's collection as all of the colours are just beautiful!
Up next is a gorgeous make up brush that when it was released, I knew I wanted it. No, I needed it. It is the Real Techniques Bold Metals Powder Brush.
The softness of the bristles is too much for me to handle. It's AMAZING! The brush is a lovely gold colour created in a diamond shape, which makes holding it a lot more comfortable, and it means it won't roll away when I put it down! And unlike my other powder brushes, this one doesn't shed hair every time I use it! Which is a god send! And the application of the powder is light and easy. Although extremely expensive compared to my other makeup brushes, and the size doesn't make it easy for travelling, I am really glad I got this.
Going back to the UAE this year meant returning to my favourite non-UK store: Bath And Body Works. And this year, I have a new favourite signature scent that I AM OBSESSED WITH! So much so, that I bought everything that you could get in this scent. The scent? It's the Bath & Body Works Mad About You range!
The exact scent of this frangrance is Blackcurrant, bright peony and vanilla musk. And what a scent it is. Sweet, light and absolutely gorgeous! Everything you could want for a spring fragrance! The packaging is super cute, and when I found the big bottle of frangrance mist of this scent, I got very excited, as I have loved this scent since January, but wasn't able to buy a frnagrance of it until March/April. And so far, I've worn it everyday. Ob. Sessed.
Just like my feelings towards MAC makeup, TopShop jeans have been a style staple in everyones wardrobe for the longest time. However, I never saw the appeal as they seemed like any other jeans, but just double the price. That is, until, I realised my staple pair of blue jeans were far too big for me now. And I was in need of a new pair. Walking into TopShop with two of my best friends, I strolled over to the jeans section with a lot of doubt. One of my friends was purchasing a pair of TopShops Joni jeans, and continued to rave about how they are the only kind of jeans she owns because they are so comfortable. I laughed and joked that maybe I should at least try them before scoffing at her. So, I purchased the TopShop MOTO Bleached Ripped Joni Jeans.
I took them home, and tried them on (as it was super busy in the changing rooms in the store) and was prepared to be disappointed and take them back. Oh, how I couldn't have been more wrong! They are, without a doubt, the most comfy jeans I have ever worn in my life! They're high waisted, which I adore, and I had always wanted ripped jeans without them being "too ripped", if you know what I mean. No struggle was had when putting them on, and they just look so cool with any outfit combo! The colour is perfect, the length is great and, if I do say so myself, they make my bum look fantastic! Topshop is my new go to place for a good quality pair of jeans. Love love love!
Recently, I've been travelling up to London a lot for various auditions, and there is nothing better than having a good playlist to listen to on long train rides. And this month, the artist I'm all about is the gorgeous Betty Who.
I purchased her first EP about a year ago, and I am still obsessed with it. But this month I saw she had released another album called Convertible Nights, and I downloaded it straight away. Betty Who's songs are upbeat, feel good, and perfect for summer. Heartbreak Dream is still a favourite of mine, but I am also in love with All Of You. If you're looking for a good summer album this year, I really recommend her two albums.
In Winter, it's all about hot drinks. So for Spring and Summer, it's all about cool and refreshing beverages! And which one am I loving this month? Lipton's Peach Ice Tea. That's what.
Yes, I realise the colour of it isn't very appealing. But it is soooooo GOOD! Super refreshing, tastes amazing, and is a nice alternative to a fizzy drink. Also, it helps that Peach is my favourite flavour of anything. I don't know why, but it just is. I love this.
And finally, a little random, but this past month, a certain restaurant has been calling my name and I MISS IT SO MUCH IT HURTS. The restaurant? Chili's.
Now, we don't have a Chili's restaurant here in the UK, but whenever I go abroad, a Chili's is a must. Their food is insanely good. My usual order has recently changed however. My old order about a year ago used to be their Honey Chipotle Chicken Crispers, with chips and corn on the cob, with a lovely fresh Lemonade. However, this month has been all about their Flame Grilled Ribeye Steak (cooked medium well) with sweet potato fries and corn on the cob, with free refills of Orange Fanta. Oh god, even writing it makes me crave a Chili's.
Because it's quite expensive, Chili's was usually a nice treat for someones birthday, or a "saying goodbye/well done" meal at the end of our trips abroad. But this month, we were having Chili's after every show! (Not the healthiest option, I know) But we became so obsessed with it, the staff even knew our orders off by heart! I really miss it, and can't wait to go abroad again because CHILI'S!
Well, that's it for my April Favourites! I hope you guys liked this post, and if you want, leave a comment down below telling me a few of your favourites from this month!
See you guys soon! And have a lovely May!
Fawce xoxo.
Hey guys! Can you believe that May is here? 2015 is flying by! And I only realised this morning that I have never done a monthly favourites before! So, here are a few things that I have been loving throughout the month of April!
This month has been all about trying new things and finally buying products that I have wanted for ages! So lets begin with a new moisturizer that I have been obsessed with this month! It's the Nivea Daily Essentials Regenerating Night Cream.
If you read my Summer Favourites post from last year, you will know that I used to swear by the No.7 Beautiful Skin moisturisers, which I still find amazing. But when my night cream ran out when I was abroad, I needed a new one quick! And when I saw that this night cream was on offer, I took a chance. I'm so glad I did. This cream really does what it says on the tin, it's quite thick, so perfect to wear overnight, and is so hydrating without even using very much. The only thing I dislike about this is the fact the packaging is very heavy, so it's a bit of a pain when travelling. But still, its really lovely and is a great price! Really recommend this!
For some reason or another, I have been really obsessed with lipstick again. Which is strange, as I'm usually a "wear lipstick in winter/wear lipgloss in spring" kind of gal. But whilst abroad, lipstick just became a lot easier to apply than lipgloss. And currently, I am all about MAC. Now, I didn't own any MAC makeup before this month, as I'd never had the money to splurge in there. And I always said to myself: "If I am going to buy a piece of MAC makeup, it has to be something that I would wear often and would mean a lot to me".
Silly, I know.
But then, MAC released their Cinderella collection. As you guys know, I have played Cinderella before, and I am obsessed with anything Disney. And what you guys don't know is that when I was abroad, we were doing Cinderella the show again, at the same time the new film was released! So this was my chance to buy a piece of MAC makeup, with having significance to it! I took the plunge, and visited the MAC store in Dubai Mall. I wanted to buy pretty much everything, but unfortunately, the only thing they had left were the lipsticks. Well, unfortunate for everyone else BUT ME! I was over the moon! So, I picked up the MAC Cinderella lipstick in "Royal Ball".
Ok. Now I see why everyone loves MAC so much. The texture of the lipstick is smooth and luxurious, it tastes great and gives a gorgeous sheen to my lips. It's a lovely nude pink, which definitely suits paler skin tones (yay for me!) and throughout my trip away, it was my go to lipstick! I'm in love!
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What it looks like on the lips. |
So, right after finally purchasing a MAC lipstick, I caught the bug for it. I was umming and ahhing about whether to buy this next lipstick all throughout this month, until after having a particularly bad day, I decided to treat myself to this lipstick. Which lipstick you may ask? It is none other than the newly released MAC Viva Glam Miley Cyrus lipstick!
OMG I AM OBSESSED! Bold, brightly coloured lipstick used to be on my lips 24/7 back when I was in Sixth Form, and right now, I've jumped right back to 17 year old me. This one is just gorgeous. The texture is lovely and hydrating, and it gives an amazing POP to my makeup when I wear it. I just feel so...glamorous! And the fact Miley Cyrus endorses it just makes it all the better. Loved her when she was 14, still love her now!
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What it looks like on the lips. |
Spring to me is also the time for brightly coloured nails, and a little fun fact for you guys, my favourite colour at the moment is a pastel/periwinkle blue. And when I saw this in Superdrug this month, I knew I needed it in my life and on my nails. It's the Rimmel London Rita Ora Nail Polish in "Bestival Blue".
Look. How. PRETTY! This colour to me just says "Spring", and how cute is the name? Even though I'm not a "festival" girl, this nail polish definitely makes me want to be one. The quality is surprisingly smooth and thick, and it dried nice and quick. (Hey, that rhymes!) Recommend this greatly, and you should check out the rest of Rita Ora's collection as all of the colours are just beautiful!
Up next is a gorgeous make up brush that when it was released, I knew I wanted it. No, I needed it. It is the Real Techniques Bold Metals Powder Brush.
The softness of the bristles is too much for me to handle. It's AMAZING! The brush is a lovely gold colour created in a diamond shape, which makes holding it a lot more comfortable, and it means it won't roll away when I put it down! And unlike my other powder brushes, this one doesn't shed hair every time I use it! Which is a god send! And the application of the powder is light and easy. Although extremely expensive compared to my other makeup brushes, and the size doesn't make it easy for travelling, I am really glad I got this.
Going back to the UAE this year meant returning to my favourite non-UK store: Bath And Body Works. And this year, I have a new favourite signature scent that I AM OBSESSED WITH! So much so, that I bought everything that you could get in this scent. The scent? It's the Bath & Body Works Mad About You range!
The exact scent of this frangrance is Blackcurrant, bright peony and vanilla musk. And what a scent it is. Sweet, light and absolutely gorgeous! Everything you could want for a spring fragrance! The packaging is super cute, and when I found the big bottle of frangrance mist of this scent, I got very excited, as I have loved this scent since January, but wasn't able to buy a frnagrance of it until March/April. And so far, I've worn it everyday. Ob. Sessed.
Just like my feelings towards MAC makeup, TopShop jeans have been a style staple in everyones wardrobe for the longest time. However, I never saw the appeal as they seemed like any other jeans, but just double the price. That is, until, I realised my staple pair of blue jeans were far too big for me now. And I was in need of a new pair. Walking into TopShop with two of my best friends, I strolled over to the jeans section with a lot of doubt. One of my friends was purchasing a pair of TopShops Joni jeans, and continued to rave about how they are the only kind of jeans she owns because they are so comfortable. I laughed and joked that maybe I should at least try them before scoffing at her. So, I purchased the TopShop MOTO Bleached Ripped Joni Jeans.
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Screenshot from my phone (as my actual jeans were in the wash...oops.) |
I took them home, and tried them on (as it was super busy in the changing rooms in the store) and was prepared to be disappointed and take them back. Oh, how I couldn't have been more wrong! They are, without a doubt, the most comfy jeans I have ever worn in my life! They're high waisted, which I adore, and I had always wanted ripped jeans without them being "too ripped", if you know what I mean. No struggle was had when putting them on, and they just look so cool with any outfit combo! The colour is perfect, the length is great and, if I do say so myself, they make my bum look fantastic! Topshop is my new go to place for a good quality pair of jeans. Love love love!
Recently, I've been travelling up to London a lot for various auditions, and there is nothing better than having a good playlist to listen to on long train rides. And this month, the artist I'm all about is the gorgeous Betty Who.
I purchased her first EP about a year ago, and I am still obsessed with it. But this month I saw she had released another album called Convertible Nights, and I downloaded it straight away. Betty Who's songs are upbeat, feel good, and perfect for summer. Heartbreak Dream is still a favourite of mine, but I am also in love with All Of You. If you're looking for a good summer album this year, I really recommend her two albums.
In Winter, it's all about hot drinks. So for Spring and Summer, it's all about cool and refreshing beverages! And which one am I loving this month? Lipton's Peach Ice Tea. That's what.
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(Photo from Tesco's website) |
Yes, I realise the colour of it isn't very appealing. But it is soooooo GOOD! Super refreshing, tastes amazing, and is a nice alternative to a fizzy drink. Also, it helps that Peach is my favourite flavour of anything. I don't know why, but it just is. I love this.
And finally, a little random, but this past month, a certain restaurant has been calling my name and I MISS IT SO MUCH IT HURTS. The restaurant? Chili's.
Now, we don't have a Chili's restaurant here in the UK, but whenever I go abroad, a Chili's is a must. Their food is insanely good. My usual order has recently changed however. My old order about a year ago used to be their Honey Chipotle Chicken Crispers, with chips and corn on the cob, with a lovely fresh Lemonade. However, this month has been all about their Flame Grilled Ribeye Steak (cooked medium well) with sweet potato fries and corn on the cob, with free refills of Orange Fanta. Oh god, even writing it makes me crave a Chili's.
Because it's quite expensive, Chili's was usually a nice treat for someones birthday, or a "saying goodbye/well done" meal at the end of our trips abroad. But this month, we were having Chili's after every show! (Not the healthiest option, I know) But we became so obsessed with it, the staff even knew our orders off by heart! I really miss it, and can't wait to go abroad again because CHILI'S!
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Our birthday meal out to Chilli's for our producers birthday! |
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Last cast meal at Chilli's before flying home the following day! |
Well, that's it for my April Favourites! I hope you guys liked this post, and if you want, leave a comment down below telling me a few of your favourites from this month!
See you guys soon! And have a lovely May!
Fawce xoxo.
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