Wednesday, 24 June 2015

The Beauty Blogger Tag!

Hey guys!

Today, I thought it would be fun to do some sort of tag/question and answer thingy, as I've yet to do one on my blog, and I thought it would be interesting! I found this tag on Beauty Guide 101's blog, so I give her complete credit for this! (Although I have cut out a few questions as I either a. didn't understand them, or b. didn't have an answer for them!)

So, here we go! The Beauty Blogger Tag!

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
- If you cut my hair short, it would go into little blonde ringlets, but because its super long and heavy, I'd say it's naturally wavy (and a little bit frizzy!)

2. What is your natural hair colour?
- My natural hair colour is like a dark/ashy/greyish blonde. Or, to be blunt...light brown.

3. Do you dye it yourself? Or do you go to a salon?
- I used to dye it myself for about 6 years, but now I go to one of my friends who works in a fabulous salon.

4. How often do you wash your hair?
- About twice a week.

5. Do you wear the same style everyday or change it?
- Pretty much the same kind of style, but I do like to change it up once in a while!

6. Do you do your own medi/pedi? Or go to a salon?
- Personally, I don't do anything to my nails other than put nail polish on, so technically, neither.

7. How often do you change your nail polish?
- Probably every two weeks. Or if it's been majorly chipped or I got bored of the particular colour, I would change it before then.

8. Do you polish your toes in the winter, too or just in the summer?
- I put nail polish on my toes all year round as I have the weirdest toes EVER. (Classic dancers feet...if ya know what I'm sayin'!)

9. How long does it take you to do your makeup?
- About 45 minutes if I'm doing a full face of makeup, but if I'm not going anywhere special then about 15/20 minutes.

10. What do you do first? Face or eyes?
- Face.

11. Do you "collect" makeup? Or just buy what you need when you need it?
- A little bit of both, but I mainly buy it when I need it.

12. How often do you wear false eyelashes?
- I only wear false eyelashes when I'm on stage, as I find them very heavy and uncomfortable. Plus, I'm lucky that my eyelashes are already quite long with the right amount of mascara.

13. Do you do a full face of makeup everyday?
- Nope.

14. Will you leave the house without makeup?
- Yes, but only when I go to the gym. Otherwise, I will wear some sort of makeup on my face.

15. How many high end products do you own?
- A couple of MAC products, a few Urban Decay products, some Benefit shizz and a couple of Too Faced products. And a very special Chanel nail polish that I got for my 18th birthday. :)

16. How often do you wash your makeup brushes?
- Definitely not as often as I should.

17. Do you plan your outfits the night before? Or when you're getting dressed?
- I am definitely not organised enough to plan them the night before, but I will think about my options when falling asleep at night, and then probably change my mind whilst getting dressed.

18. How often do you change your handbag?
- It all depends on where I'm going to determine the size of which handbag I should use. But hardly ever.

19. What time do you get up/go to sleep?
- It changes daily. (What a cop out, eh?!)

20. How often and when do you workout?
- I try to go to the gym 2/3 times a week, and if I don't I'll try and do some sort of workout at home. Blogilates on YouTube is friggin' amazing, and I do own my own pair of dumbbells, so I never have an excuse anymore! Haha!

21. Left handed? Or right handed?
- I'm a righty!

22. How tall are you?
- 5 ft 7! And to me, that's quite tall. Do let me know if you guys think 5 ft 7 is tall, because I've heard mixed opinions!!

23. Do you have any pets?
- I have two gorgeous cats. The oldest is a fluffy white cat called Tinkerbell (Tink for short), who is very much like Duchess from The Aristocats. And then, like Duchess, she had lots of kittens, one of which we still have today, and his name is Smudge. If you think of "Fat Louie" in The Princess Diaries...that's who Smudge looks like. And he's amazing!

24. How often are you on Blogger?
- Recently, pretty much everyday.

25. Do you read the comments on your posts?
- YES! And I love them! And I reply to every single one! :)

26. How did you come up with your blog name?
- Originally, my blog was called "Glitzbelt" because I love glitter, and back at school I was known as the "belter" in my musical theatre class. But now, it's Life According To Fawce, because I realised I was posting more lifestyle posts than beauty (but now I kind of do it all!) and Fawce was my nickname in sixth form. :)

27. What kind of camera do you use for blog photos?
- Usually, it's my iPhone 5C camera...but recently, I've been using my Fujifilm S1730, which is almost 5 years old and pretty much broken...but is better quality than my iPhone, so can't complain, really!

28. What is your favourite colour?
- I have 3 favourite colours: lilac, pink and a pastel light blue.

29. Do you swear?
- Yes. But not in front of children. Such a role model.

30. What are you doing for the rest of the day?
- I am going to sit back, relax, and watch Pretty Little Liars until it's time for bed! (Currently obsessed with it! Ahh!)

And that's it! Hope you guys liked this post, and see you next time!

Fawce xoxo

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