Hello readers! How y'all doin'?
Here is the second round up of my glorious summer so far! So sit back, relax, and enjoy my blog post about my
summer nights. Hint hint.
So! Where shall I start?
At the end of my last post, I mentioned that I auditioned for the role of Sandy in Grease, which would be directed by Bucks Fizz singer and celebrity host Cheryl Baker. Well, I didn't get the role of Sandy. But I did, however, get the part of RIZZO! Check me out! ;)
Grease is probably one of the most well known musicals in the world, and is known by every generation! I mean, c'mon. Who didn't have a crush on John Travolta as the sexy, cool Danny Zuko? Or who didn't want to be Olivia Newton-John singing Hopelessly Devoted to You by a paddling pool in a garden?
My production of Grease took part over two weeks, and I can honestly say I have never worked so hard for two weeks straight! There was voices lost, injuries from Jiving too hard, and a lot of debates over whether or not I should wear a short black wig! (Which thankfully, I didn't have to wear!).
"There are worse things I could do..." |
Rehearsals were absolutely fantastic, the cast were brilliant to work with, and playing Rizzo definitely challenged me as an actress. Especially, as mentioned by a random audience member who saw me play Fantine last year in Les Miserables, and saw me as Rizzo last week: "It's fantastic to see you play something other than the cute, innocent character." Thanks stranger!
The Principle Girls with our Musical Director, Laura! |
A friend also mentioned that I didn't play the role as obviously "slutty" as they've seen others play the role. Apparently, I played the feistiness with such "subtext and likability" that they supported the character throughout the story, and rooted for me until the end. Whereas others just play the role "bitchy and whoreish". Brilliant!
"Look at me! I'm Sandra Dee!" |
But that didn't stop some very good looking audience members telling me I was "sex on legs". That definitely made my night.
In the picture above, you're probably wondering why the song Look At Me! I'm Sandra Dee! was performed with boys around. Well, for any of you that know of the stage show of Grease, this song is actually performed in a park! Whereas, in the Pyjama Party scene, a song called "Freddy My Love", which is sung by Marty, is the only song in that scene. BUT, we also shoved in Hopelessly Devoted to You at the end of the scene, because that song isn't even in the stage show!
"Freddy My Love" |
Funnily enough, my favourite number to perform was in fact Beauty School Drop Out. Just like in the film, we had all of the principle girls involved, and it was just so much fun to perform!
Beauty School Dropout! From left: Miss Lynch, Sandy, Teen Angel, Rizzo and Marty! |
As you can probably tell, I'm still suffering from horrid post show blues! Therefore, I shall share some more photos with you from backstage.
Marty and Rizzo, before the big hand-jive contest! |
Rizzo before the tech/dress. Oh so sassy. |
Marty and Rizzo before the tech/dress. |
The most gorgeous, wonderful girls EVER! My best friends, Tori (who played Cha Cha) and Georgie (who played Miss Lynch). And myself. |
"THERES A BABY IN THERE!" Messing around with our lovely MD Laura! |
Frenchy (played by the gorgeous Anna!) and Rizzo! |
From left: Our MD Laura, "Jan", "Sandy", "Marty", "Rizzo" and "Miss Lynch". |
To see some of Bullfrog Productions highlights, watch our highlight video
Not only did I take part in Grease this summer, I also had the privilege of taking part in the All England Dance Finals at the Bloomsbury Theatre in London!
"Brigadoon Ballet" which placed 3rd out of the whole country! |
Basically, like any competition, we had to go through many rounds to get to this point of competing against the best dance schools in the country! And thankfully, we were successful in many aspects. For example, the picture above was our character ballet group which placed 3rd in a very strong section! Meaning we beat professional ballet schools! This was so incredibly rewarding for such a small dance school who specialise in...well...nothing in particular! Just loving to dance!
We were thrilled!
Not only that, but one of our groups named "Armenian Mystic" was asked to perform in the All England Dance Gala, which is an incredible honour! Many VIP's in the professional dancing world watched us perform in the gala, and we were in a gala with the BEST dances in the UK! How insane is that?
But wait! It get's better!
Once the gala had finished, "Armenian Mystic" was awarded with the Choreographic Award! Meaning we had the best choreography in the entire country! WHAT?! MY DANCE TEACHER WAS AWARDED THE MOST PRESTIGIOUS AWARD YOU CAN GET!
Not bad for a small dance school from Tunbridge Wells, eh?
The "Armenian Mystic" girls after performing in the Gala. |
Honestly, I had never been so proud to have been a part of the Dance Consortium! If you wanna check out more about us, visit our website
My summer has been literally all over the place, but now I'm chilling at home, recovering from these last weeks of craziness!
And before I sign off, here's a hilarious picture from one of our rehearsals for Oklahoma last month. Remember how I said that I'd got the part of Ado Annie? Yeah, rehearsals got a bit boring for myself, my Will and my Laurey. Ha. Ha.
Here's a tip to our director...don't let us get bored when there is a playground just outside the building!
Enjoy the rest of your summer peeps! And comment below your blogs so I can check you all out! ;) xoxo
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