Sunday, 29 November 2015

Sunset Boulevard

Hello all!

This week has been completely hectic, but for a good reason: it was show week.

If you guys used to read my Sunny Sunday posts back in June, you will know that my mum and I had auditioned to be a part in a production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's sensational musical SUNSET BOULEVARD! With my mother portraying the eccentric and fabulous film star of yester-year, Norma Desmond, and myself playing the small, but fun part of Mary: the wannabe starlet.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Luxury Haul!

Hello hello hello!

Over the last couple of months, I have been lucky enough to treat myself to a few bits and pieces that are a little bit on the pricey side, but they are all things that I have had my eye on for the longest time. And today, I thought I would share them all with you!

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Childhood Dreams: My 21st Birthday

As I am writing this, I am snuggled on the sofa, eating a lot of chocolate, looking at the gorgeous ring my parents got me and dealing with a bit of a sore head. Why you ask? Well, today is my 21st birthday.

And I couldn't be happier.

Last night, I had a lovely little get together with some of my closest friends at my uncle and aunties pub, but it wasn't just any get together, oh no! It was a FANCY DRESS THEME! I asked my guests to turn up dressed as their favourite childhood characters! And boy, was there a selection of nostalgic characters in that pub!

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Halloween Costume: Broken Porcelain Doll

Hey guys!

So, this weekend was HALLOWEEN! One of my favourite holidays of the year, and for the first time in years, I attended a Halloween party! When I say "years", I do literally mean YEARS. Seven, to be exact. However, my lack of spooky celebrations over the years didn't stop me from putting together an epic costume. I'm in the theatre; costumes are my thing.

This year, the theme was "SCARY". Now, to be fair, I am scared of a lot of things. Growing up, spiders, ghosts, zombies, anything to do with the horror genre would scare the living daylights out of me. But after working in a halloween maze last year, my fear of anything spooky has subdued a little. But only a little.

Back in my primary school days, my friends used to tell ghost stories in the playground around Halloween, all of which are either ridiculous or far too scary for any 9 year old to listen to. However, there was one story that to this day still creeps me out, and was in fact the inspiration of my costume this year.

A story of a broken china doll.